With the widespread use of vacuum cleaners, technical innovations have made obvious progress. DC brushless blowers used in vacuum cleaners are becoming universal. The development of science and technology has created a vacuum cleaner that not only gives a clean environment, but also pays attention to the customer’s experience such as longer MTTF and lower noise. This follows the idea of low-carbon emissions and environmentally-friendly devices. As an example, one of Wonsmart blowers WS130120S2, can be used in vacuum cleaners, it’s maximum airflow can reach an air flow of 140m3/h, the speed is 26000 rpm, the noise level is about 80dBA, and the MTTF is over 20,000 hours. More and more vacuum cleaner manufacturers use dc brushless blowers to replace brushed blowers, such as Dyson, MI and Panasonic, which indicates that dc brushless blowers are a trend, and will be applied to more and more applications.