
Air sampling pumps


Air sampling equipment comes in various forms. Filter cassettes are the basic units of air sampling. Many sampling cassettes work with high pressure dc brushless centrifugal blower pumps to collect particulates from the air — they are particularly effective for mold collection. Facilities can use the cylinder-shaped cassettes to collect air contaminants from work environments and send them to the laboratory for analysis.

Air sampling pumps pair with the filter media to collect contaminants from the air. They are useful for area sampling, indoor air quality sampling and personal sampling. They work well for many contaminants, including asbestos, beryllium, hazardous particulates, lead, mold spores, and respirable dust and silica. Wonsmart blower pumps WS9290B /WS7040 / WS130120 can be used for the air sampling equipment that we described above. These pumps have a common character of around 10kpa pressure which can permit the air sampling equipment suck air through a high resistance filter. When the filter, assembled into the air sampling machine, gathers more and more particulates the resistance of the filter can be higher and higher and there will be smaller and smaller air flow coming into the air sampling machine. To ensure that the machine can suck a stable air flow to calculate the particulates percentage in air, Wonsmart blower pumps can supply enough pressure drop.

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